For A Better Future

Happy New Year from the LLCO. The Leading Light Communist Organization wishes all of our comrades and friends a productive, happy New Year! The year 2024 has been a time of great progress and growth, and we should take pride in our many accomplishments. Through our outreach this year, we have established valuable connections with like minded parties and organizations. …

International Workers’ Day 2024

The Leading Light Communist Organization wishes all of our Comrades in the struggle a positive and successful International Workers’ Day! Every year on this date, we are reminded that we are not alone in our fight. We are inspired by working people around the world who share our desire for a better future; a future that is not defined by …

Break Free in 2024

The Leading Light Communist Organization wishes all comrades and allies a glorious New Year! As per LLCO tradition, we would like to extend our gratitude to all of those that have worked tirelessly towards achieving our shared goals. We have much to be thankful for in 2023. Our Leading Lights have organized and participated in many events that have helped …

The LLCO reports from the First World Congress of the United Front

17 October The First World Congress of the United Front was held in Truckenthal, Germany, on 4-6 September 2023, deciding on an official statute, a name, and electing a consultative committee of nine persons. The United Front strengthened its position as an international umbrella organization against fascism, imperialism, and environmental destruction. The congress counted in total 650 participants from …

International Workers’ Day 2023

May Day image

A glorious International Workers’ day to all Comrades, allies, and members of the working class! On May 1st, we celebrate the hard won victories of the workers around the world. We remember with reverence the great sacrifices that were made by so many of our predecessors fighting for a more just system. We are also reminded that it is now …

A New Year and New Heights

It is the end of yet another year, and the LLCO presses onward. We have had a great 2022, with a strong showing from all of our comrades around the world. We owe our gratitude to all of our comrades who have been tirelessly working on media production and article writing, to the comrades who went above and beyond in …

Forward to 2022!

The year is ending, and the Leading Light Communist Organization can look back at 2021 with a sense of pride. While many are still recovering or suffering from the economic and social damage of the past two years, the LLCO has not faltered in our long march. While there have been many twists and turns on our journey in previous …

International Workers’ Day 2021

Opportunities and Challanges This International Workers’ Day, the Leading Light Communist Organization offers a message of unity and solidarity to all like minded individuals and parties around the world. As we have stated over the course of the last year, we are living through a historic time with unusually high stakes. The next few years will inevitably shape the future …

Reflecting on a Difficult Year

A Difficult but Successful Year The year 2020 has been painful and heartbreaking for many of us. Without exaggeration, this was one of the most difficult years I have served the LLCO as its Director-General. Many of our comrades have been negatively impacted in some way by the events surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, whether it be from the virus itself …