More on the Islamic State Speaking from the recent NATO conference, US President Obama claimed to be assembling a coalition of countries to eventually “degrade and ultimately destroy” the Islamic State (ISIS or ISIL) that is currently seeking to establish itself in northern Iraq and Syria. (1) The United Kingdom has already pledged its support to the effort. Obama’s …
Category: Religion
Smashing idols
Smashing idols The Old Testament states: “You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the LORD your God, am a …
Bangla Zone: Our lives are our own, our future is our own
Bangla Zone: Our lives are our own, our future is our own In Bangladesh, feudalism, capitalism, and imperialism all merge into one tyrannical, barbaric system. What exists in Bangladesh is an amalgam of modern and feudal exploitation and control. Global corporations, the neoliberal, comprador state, the network of globalist NGOs and charities all work to ensure the exploitation and …
Brief statement on the attacks on Charlie Hebdo by Islamists
Brief statement on the attacks on Charlie Hebdo by Islamists Recently, several Islamist gunmen attacked the offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. The style of the Charlie Hebdo magazine is an irreverent one that attacks religion in general, but also is seen as bigoted for its targeting of Muslims and migrants. Twelve people were killed and 11 …
Extremists pervert religion, burn Muslims alive
Extremists pervert religion, burn Muslims alive “We willed to compensate those who were oppressed on earth, and to turn them into leaders, and make them the inheritors.” [Quran 28:5] There is a growing movement of hypocrites in our land. They pervert religion in order to attack the people. Even the Quran echoes the revolutionary demand that the oppressed become …
Kharijites attack Islam to steal our past and future
Kharijites attack Islam to steal our past and future In the 7th century, the Islamic world was descending into chaos. A struggle for power followed. Uthman ibn Affan, the third of the companion caliphs, had just been assassinated by rebels in 656 AD. There was a struggle over succession. Who would lead the Muslim community? On one side was …
Quick points on Yemen
Quick points on Yemen Yemen is now the target of an invasion by the forces of Empire. This is the culmination of a long crisis. Yemen has a long history of division and social strife. However, the recent crisis can be traced to the negotiated overthrow of then President Ali Abdullah Saleh after two decades. The then Vice-president Abd …
Was Mao really born on the 26th of December?
Was Mao really born on the 26th of December? Around this time, every year, we see people celebrating December 26th as the day of Mao’s birth. Whole groups, like the Maoist Communist Party of the Philippines, celebrate this day not only as the day of Mao’s birth, but also as the anniversary of the founding of their own organizations. …
Protected: On the protests in Bangladesh: What is to be done?
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Extremist barbarism kills bloggers
Extremist barbarism kills bloggers March 2015 An Bangladeshi-American blogger Avijit Roy was hacked to death on February 26, 2015. He ran the Mukto-Mona (Free-mind) blog site, which championed secular, humanist values. He had received many death threats before he was killed. He was hacked to death for speaking his mind. Those who murdered him are trying to justify their crime …