Thoughts on Stalin

Thoughts on Stalin Prairie Fire Many revolutionaries still stumble on the question of Stalin. They just can’t get by the Stalin issue, even though Stalin is still revered in much of the world despite the best efforts of the bourgeoisie to tarnish him. Stalin is a controversial figure, even within our own movement. Yet …


Comments on the evolution of empire

Comments on the evolution of empire Empire is constantly evolving to thwart the people’s movement. Imperialism has changed significantly since its beginning. The period of traditional colonialism during which the imperial powers literally occupied colonial lands mostly came to a close around the end of World War 2. The shattered empires of Europe could …


A Storm is Coming (Video)

A Storm is Coming The Leading Light Communist movement is the revolutionary movement of our age. Hundreds of years of revolutionary experience have led us to this point, to this moment. There have been two great waves of revolution. The first great wave: the Bolsheviks. The second great wave: the Chinese and other social …


Soviet Women, Traditionalism, Revisionism

Soviet Women, Traditionalism, Revisionism 28 July 2014 These comments are a reaction to Gail Warshofsky Lapidus’ “Women in Soviet Society: Equality, Development, and Social Change.” Much of Lapidus’ essay covers the same ground as these other works: Wendy Goldman’s Women at the Gates, Sheila Fritzpatrick’s Everyday Stalinism, and Hiroaki Kuromiya’s Stalin’s Industrial Revolution. What …


What is revisionism?

What is revisionism? Some people falsely think that revisionism is to deviate from an orthodoxy, to “revise” a tradition. This is an incorrect view of what revisionism is in a Marxist context. We should not treat Marxist writers the same way that Medieval Church scholars treated Aristotle. Mao was right when he said we …


On counter-revolution: Just pointing to revisionists is not enough

On counter-revolution: Just pointing to revisionists is not enough Prairie Fire Someone writes: “Dear Leading Light, LLCO has not responded convincingly to the causes behind the degeneration of the Chinese and Russian Revolutions. Just pointing to ‘revisionists’ is not enough (and analysis based on individual personality traits is hardly systemic or materialist). In any …


Serve the people truth or fiction?

Serve the people truth or fiction? In recent discussion, we contrasted science versus apolegetics in dealing with history. Stalin was used as an example. A familiar voice objected to our discussion. He roars: “There is nothing original in noting the USSR’s initial support of Israel as primarily geo-political. Of course it was a mistake, …
