More revisionism in Nepal: Juche endorsed as a “road to socialism”

More revisionism in Nepal: Juche endorsed as a “road to socialism”

It is hard to keep track of all the revisionism in Nepal. The so-called Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Centre) is fertile grounds for just about every kind of revisionism known: First Worldism, Kautskyism, Liu Shaoqi-Dengism, Trotskyism and so on. However, recently, they’ve outdone themselves. In a recent article in The Red Star, “Communist” Party member, Krishna Bahadur Mahara, appointed as Minister of Information and Communication in the cabinet headed by Prachanda, praised Juche as “leading to socialism.” (1) Also, “Kim Ill Sung has developed the Juchhe ideology as a unique contribution to the international communist movement.” Such a claim is a blatant rejection of Maoism as revolutionary science. Prachanda rejected revolutionary science a long time ago. More recently, the leadership in Nepal has moved to drop even their nominal Maoism. That a high level cadre in Prachanda’s cabinet would endorse Juche as a road to socialism is not surprising considering the rampant revisionism in their party. This is yet more confirmation of the moribund nature of the First Worldist so-called Maoist movement, the so-called Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (RIM), in particular. Similar statements about Juche have been made by those in the so-called Communist Party of the Philippines.

That said, Juche is probably a better ideology than other revisionisms floating around in the so-called Communist Party of Nepal. There is much praiseworthy about Juche’s emphasis on self-determination and self-reliance. Self-determination and self-reliance for oppressed nations are a part of Leading Light Communism. If the Third World is ever to defeat the First World, Third World nations will have to implement self-reliant developmental strategies that do not rely on Western capital. Juche forces, in this respect, are better than those forces within the so-called Communist Party of Nepal that seek to implement developmental strategies that coordinate with the imperialists, the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. Juche, although not a path to socialism and communism, is preferable than compradorism masked by quasi-Maoist rhetoric.

In the long term, the only way path to communism is the most advanced revolutionary science: the fourth stage of Marxism, Leading Light Communism. If the Third World is to ever defeat the First World, then it will need to every weapon available. Nationalist bourgeois dogma like Juche can only take a people’s movement so far before the movement becomes moribund, as is witnessed in Korea. Finding ever new ways to praise the leader is not the kind of ideological innovation that will get us to communism. Prachanda’s minister promotes the Korean cult of the leader, the people of Korea “address him ‘Father of the motherland’. The immortal contribution to the nation and its people by Kim Ill Sung is directly related with the liberty and independence of the Korean people. The Korean Labor party has adopted the Juche ideology as its guiding ideology.” Juche, in the end, can only lead back to capitalism. Today the followers of Juche have sought to implement a “free trade zone” along the northern Korean border. Around 1995 Ford, an American automobile manufacture, even sought to establish a factory there. In the article Prachanda’s cabinet minister praises Western tourism as well. It is with good reason that Maoists criticized Kim il-Sung during the Cultural Revolution. Leading Light Communists see the necessity of continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat, something that the followers of Juche cannot grasp within the narrow limits of their pre-scientific thinking. And, even though Juche is revisionism, Leading Lights stand by the people of Korea, and the state of northern Korea, against imperialist aggression.


1. Krishna Bahadur Mahara. Jucche ideology leading to socialism. Red Star, issue 18.

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