Basic Security

Basic Security

All comrades should familiarize themselves with basic security. Here are some points to remember:

  1. Avoid answering pig questions. Not everyone who is curious about us is a pig. However, asking questions about identity and background are pig questions. Liberals, reformists, compradors, opportunists and revisionists like to bait people for information. Don’t be a sucker.
  2. Avoid being baited by identity politics. A common tactic of people who cannot defend their political line (but also used by agents) is to shift the discussion to identity. Not only is this a tool used to bait individuals for information by the state, but it makes infiltrating activist circles much easier. Don’t fall for it.
  3. Use a fake name in activist work. This makes the state’s job a little more difficult. However, it also makes it more difficult for reactionary paramilitaries and fascists to target you.
  4. Be careful about who you invite to your home. Use common sense. Don’t just invite anyone back to your house.
  5. Avoid paranoia. One of the best tools of the state is to paralyze people with paranoia. If all you are doing is sitting around talking about security, then the state has won. Keep doing your revolutionary work. Don’t let fear stop you. If fear is stopping you, they have won.
  6. Be smart. Of course the state can always pull an excuse out of thin air, but there is no reason to give the state any reasons to bust you.
  7. Beware of snitching. Snitching is a bigger danger than infiltration. Often the state will arrest someone on something like drugs, then they will offer the person a deal if they become an informant. Using snitches is cheaper than infiltration.
  8. Beware of infiltration. Infiltration is real. The pigs are not stupid. They know how to use weaknesses against activists. They know how to use “honey pots.” They know how to use sex against activists. They also know how to use identity politics. Infiltrators also know how to make themselves useful and indispensable. Watch out for people who are close to the center, but do not put revolutionary science in command. Watch out for people close to the center who don’t know the ins and outs of Leading Light Communism.
  9. Gossip and rumor mongering. Gossiping about people’s personal lives, bad habits, personal failings, grudges, etc. only help the police. Everyone has problems and skeletons in the closet. The pigs use this to drive wedges.
  10. Unusual activity. Keep a close eye on your living space. The pigs stake out houses. They break in and gain access. They open mail.
  11. No focoism. Avoid adventurist schemes. Avoid mindless and pointless violence. Focoist schemes can put the entire movement in jeopardy. It is a catastrophic error.
  12. Lovers’ spats and other personal quarrels. Keep it out of the movement. The pigs use quarrels and fights to drive wedges and split the movement.
  13. Don’t get into potentially compromising situations or situations where you appear compromised. Appearances matter.
  14. Avoid people with close connections with the pigs. Do not let people with police, military, or intelligence agency ties close to the movement. Keep them at arms length. Do not let them into our homes. Keep them away from the center.
  15. Avoid “drama queens.” A drama queen is someone who likes causing drama, likes starting fights, likes escalating situations, etc. A drama queen can be male or female. A drama queen usually has a big ego. They often need to be the center of attention.
  16. “Loose lips sink ships.” Keep everything internal. Don’t talk about internal business with outsiders.
  17. Watch out for wrecking. Watch out for people who run interference for no reason or for no stated reason.
  18. Empty drums. Mao said, “an empty drum beats the loudest.” Watch out for people who derail work or demoralize people or endlessly criticize, but don’t offer any suggestions or contributions.
  19. Watch out for weenie talk. If someone is stating something that is contradictory to the political line or doing something contradictory, watch out. If someone can’t state clearly why they are doing this or that, something is fishy.
  20. Follow centralism. Uphold and follow the chain of command.
  21. Leading Light Communism, revolutionary science, in command. There is no way to prevent all state interference, but the best overall strategy is to put revolutionary science in command. All individuals have failings. This way individual failings matter less.

This list is not exhaustive. It is just a basic guideline. We will refine this list as needed.

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