The Heat Will Kill You First – A Book Review Janelle Velina17 November Let us not, however, flatter ourselves overmuch on account of our human conquest over nature. For each such conquest takes its revenge on us. Each of them, it is true, has in the first place the consequences on which we counted, but in the second and …
Category: Environment
Overturning Vulgar Third Worldism: A Practical Internationalist Approach to Revolution
Overturning Vulgar Third Worldism: A Practical Internationalist Approach to Revolution Medved Pobedy 23 June 2020 Last updated 14 August 2020 Contents IntroductionWhat Is “Vulgar” Third Worldism?The Roots of the Labor AristocracyThe Reactionary and Foolish Nature of the Labor AristocracyThe Many Contradictions of CapitalismConvergent and Divergent InterestsPrivilege, Propaganda, and False ConsciousnessThe Problems of Vulgar Third WorldismEstablishing an Effective Internationalist PracticeConclusionSources …
Combat Bourgeois Culture by Building New Culture
Combat Bourgeois Culture by Building New Culture Medved Pobedy 30 January 2019 …[W]e can only regard as achieved what has become part and parcel of our culture, of our social life, our habits… – V.I. Lenin, 1923 [1] Bourgeois Culture The entrenchment of capitalist hegemony throughout the world has led to the development of a reactionary and degenerate culture …
Comments on Agriculture and Food in Crisis
Comments on Agriculture and Food in Crisis (2010, Monthly Review Press) ed. by Fred Magdoff and Brian Tokar. In the period between 2006 and 2008, a world food crisis emerged. Agriculture and Food in Crisis (2010, Monthly Review Press) is an anthology of articles describing the causes and effects of this crisis. The collection is edited by Fred Magdoff …
Global Warming threatens to push 100 million people into extreme poverty
Global Warming threatens to push 100 million people into extreme poverty A World Bank report released a few months ago, “Shock Waves: Managing the Impact of Climate Change on Poverty,” predicts that global warming will push 100 million more people into extreme poverty over the next decade and a half. This means that 100 million more people will see …
Our General Line on the Environment
Our General Line on the Environment Capitalism, in its quest for profits, has led us to a point where there are several global environmental catastrophes on the horizon: global warming, dead zones in the oceans, mass extinctions, etc. Capitalism is the problem, not the solution to environmental problems. Capitalism is pushing the planet’s ecosystem to the brink of destruction. …
Will First Worlders benefit from socialism?
Socialism will lead to a lower-material standard of living for First World peoples. First World peoples earn many times more than the value of their labor. They earn many times more than an egalitarian, socialist distribution worldwide would entail. First World populations get more than their share of the pie. They live off the labor of the Third World. Under socialism, First World populations will have to give up their privileges, their lives of luxury, based on extracting super-profits from the Third World.
New world, new challenges, new science
New world, new challenges, new science Prairie Fire In 1965, as wars of liberation waged around the world, Lin Biao wrote of the great divide between the global city versus the global countryside, the rich countries versus the poor countries, the First World versus the Third World. This continues to be the principal contradiction today. Lin Biao saw the …
Water and imperialism
Water and imperialism* Water is essential, in various ways, to all human activity. Water is something that humans, literally, cannot do without. Every human needs water in order live and to have a good life. Societies need water for the survival of their populations. Usable water, as a resource, is finite and distributed unevenly across the planet. Most societies …
Bangladesh: the holocaust in our water
Bangladesh: the holocaust in our water Water is one of the most basic things required for life. Seventy-one percent of the Earth’s surface is water. By weight, the average human body is about 65 percent water. Water brings life to animals, forests, crops, lands. Even though 97 percent of people in Bangladesh have access to water, only 40 percent …