On the inverse cripples

On the inverse cripples LLCO.org Through Zarathustra’s remarks on the inverse cripples, Friedrich Nietzsche is criticizing modern intellectuals who are revered as geniuses: “‘[F]or there are human beings who lack everything, except one thing of which they have too much — human beings who are nothing but a big eye or a big mouth or …


Questions on Marx

Questions on Marx LLCO.org 1. How important is Karl Marx today? Karl Marx is one of the greatest revolutionary thinkers of all time. He was the first in a chain of modern revolutionary scientists. Marx was one of the first to begin applying science, or science in a more modern, rigorous form, to the problem …


Yoda’s Lessons

Yoda’s Lessons LLCO.org In the Star Wars movies, the force is a bunch of hocus pocus combined with cheesy mysticism. However, in that fictional world, it was the force that gave the jedi his power. Revolutionary science is a real life version of the force for those seeking to destroy imperialism and fight for total …


What is socialism? What is communism?

What is socialism? What is communism? LLCO.org [Over the past few years, we have refined our definition and our understanding of socialism. In this sense, the following article is somewhat outdated. The core of our advanced definition is that a simple dichotomy of capitalism and socialism is unscientific and dogmatic, and actually hinders our understanding …


The Slum within the Global Countryside

The Slum within the Global Countryside: Reflections inspired by Mike Davis’ Planet of Slums LLCO.org “The brutal tectonics of neoliberal globalization since 1978 are analogous to the catastrophic process that shaped a ‘Third World’ in the first place, during the era of late-Victorian imperialism (1870-1900). At the end of the nineteenth century, the forcible incorporation …


Equality and Global Alignments

Equality and Global Alignments Prairie Fire LLCO.org “To tell the workers in the handful of rich countries where life is easier, thanks to imperialist pillage, that they must be afraid of ‘too great’ impoverishment, is counter-revolutionary. It is the reverse that they should be told. The labour aristocracy that is afraid of sacrifices, afraid of …
