Stalin has lost in court in a much publicized libel case. Stalin’s grandson, Yevgeny Dzhugashvili, charged the paper Novaya Gazeta with libel. Last April, author Anatoly Yablokov accused Stalin of being a “bloodthirsty cannibal” that signed “death lists” and committed “crimes against his own people.” The paper’s editor, a self-described “anti-Stalinist,” was not surprised with the outcome.
Tag: anti-communism
The Paradox of ‘Anti-War’ Capitalism: Peace Movements, Disarmament, and the War in Ukraine
The Paradox of ‘Anti-War’ Capitalism: Peace Movements, Disarmament, and the War in Ukraine Janelle Velina23 May Throughout the duration of the Russia-Ukraine War, the poverty of real Marxist analysis is very apparent in some very confused sections of the left[1] (as well as those who are purportedly left, but are clearly aligned with right-wing forces) who have committed themselves …
Right-Wing Populism and Modern Fascism
Right-Wing Populism and Modern Fascism Klaus Markstein1 April In the Media, right-wing populism often comes across as a new phenomenon. Even in academia, it is now given much attention,[1] since new right-wing parties and politicians have entered the political stage around the world in the last couple of years. Other people are afraid that this is only history repeating …
Gramsci’s “Jacobin Prince” and Leading Light Communism
Gramsci’s “Jacobin Prince” and Leading Light Communism Jacob Brown Part 2/2 of a series on Leading Light Communism and the Writings of Antonio Gramsci Read part 1 here: In Greek Mythology, there is a story about how humanity received fire. The Titan Prometheus stole fire from the gods to give it to humans. Prometheus went the home of …
MIM: Review of the “Black Book of Communism”
MIM: Review of the “Black Book of Communism” MC5 February 2000 [Before MIM’s crackpot degeneration and despite their errors, MIM made some outstanding contributions to the proletarian struggle. The Black Book of Communism (Harvard University Press) is the bible of the anti-communist movement. The book is often cited as an academic work proving the barbarism of communism. Its figures …
Who and What are Trotsky-cons?
Who and What are Trotsky-cons? Prairie Fire The term “Trotsky-con” has become part of the lexicon of populist paranoia in the First World. Despite its currency with red-baiters and anti-Semites, especially during the years of the Bush administration, the term does correctly refer to the link between Trotskyism and a certain group of policy thinkers within the new generation …
Documents show Stalin went to great lengths to stop Hitler
Documents show Stalin went to great lengths to stop Hitler 2008 In 1939, Stalin tried to make a deal with the West against fascist Germany. Recently declassified archive documents show the extent that Stalin went to in an attempt to stop Hitler by offering an alliance to Britain and France on August 15, 1939. According to the documents, Stalin …
On Leading Light Communism and Religion
On Leading Light Communism and Religion Rizal Roja Across the globe, religious extremism poses a serious threat to the revolutionary cause. In many third world countries, terrorist mercenary groups, motivated by supposed “religious purity,” are funded and armed by the United States, and other imperialist countries. These extremists are terrorizing secularists, political activists, ethnic minority groups and other innocent …
Revisionism of the Cowardly Lion in the First World
Revisionism of the Cowardly Lion in the First World Do Nothingism is one of the biggest forms of revisionism. It is especially prevalent in the First World. Many people recognize that the system is a horror, yet they choose inactivity, surrender. A choice is made not to aid the struggle, not even at arm’s length with a donation. So, …
Notes on today’s Maoists who uphold Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge
Notes on today’s Maoists who uphold Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge The Communist Party of India (Maoist) is one of many democratic, progressive, anti-imperialist, groups fighting the Indian state, a part of the global empire. They are one of many movements fighting for the liberation of the poor in the second most populous country on Earth. They are …