Is people’s war universal?

Is people’s war universal? Prairie Fire “Dear Leading Light Is people’s war universal? Thanx.” We are in the middle of a great war by the First World against the Third World. Poverty. Famine. Suffering. Cruelty. Violence. Bombs. The imperialists of the First World turn the Third World into a giant graveyard. We must fight back! We will fight back! …

Notes on Protest and People’s War

Notes on Protest and People’s War Over the past few years we have seen numerous regimes shaken and many toppled throughout the world. Those deemed the “Arab Spring” have been the most dramatic movements and should make us rethink our own strategies for seizing power. The revolutionary movement had written off insurrection as dated, recent events demand that we …

A Storm is Coming (Video)

A Storm is Coming The Leading Light Communist movement is the revolutionary movement of our age. Hundreds of years of revolutionary experience have led us to this point, to this moment. There have been two great waves of revolution. The first great wave: the Bolsheviks. The second great wave: the Chinese and other social revolutions that followed WWII as …

Our Day Is Coming (Video)

Our Day Is Coming The world cries out in pain. Two futures, two roads are before us: communism or barbarism, the Leading Light or endless night. There is a choice to be made. We must transform ourselves for revolution. Do away with pettiness, greed, ego, smallness of mind. We must think beyond ourselves. An offense against one is an …

Review: Turning Money into Rebellion, edited by Gabriel Kuhn, Part 3

Review: Turning Money into Rebellion, edited by Gabriel Kuhn, Part 3 Turning Money into Rebellion: The Unlikely Story of Denmark’s Revolutionary Bank Robbers (Kreplebebad, 2014) edited by Gabriel Kuhn documents the story of one of the most interesting revolutionary trends to emerge from the First World. It is the story of Mao-friendly, modern-day Robin Hoods from Denmark, the so-called …

Review: Turning Money into Rebellion, edited by Gabriel Kuhn, Part 2

Review: Turning Money into Rebellion, edited by Gabriel Kuhn, Part 2 Turning Money into Rebellion: The Unlikely Story of Denmark’s Revolutionary Bank Robbers (Kreplebedab, 2014) is a great book every anti-imperialist and revolutionary in the First World should read. The book tells the story and thinking of the so-called Danish “Blekingegade Group,” the Mao-friendly Kommunistisk Arbejdskreds (KAK), founded in …