On Leading Light Communism and Religion

On Leading Light Communism and Religion Rizal Roja LLCO.org Across the globe, religious extremism poses a serious threat to the revolutionary cause. In many third world countries, terrorist mercenary groups, motivated by supposed “religious purity,” are funded and armed by the United States, and other imperialist countries. These extremists are terrorizing secularists, political activists, ethnic minority groups and other innocent …

United States rich, India poor, so-called “international communism movement” deaf and dumb

United States rich, India poor, so-called “international communism movement” deaf and dumb 19 August 2007 LLCO.org A rough figure for median personal income per workday for people (working and non-working) in the United States over 15 years of age is $119.03 (roughly Rs. 4,946.88, we are using the current exchange rate). (1) According to a recent report, 394.9 million Indians, …

Reprint: Interview with Madhusree Mukerjee

Reprint: Interview with Madhusree Mukerjee, author of Churchill’s Secret War LLCO.org; harpers.org Harper’s recently published an interview with Madhusree Mukerjee, author of Churchill’s Secret War. The book’s topic is the Bengal famine of 1943. Bourgeois historians condemn Stalin for the Soviet famine of 1932 to 1933. They condemn Mao for the problems of the Great Leap. What differentiates the Bengal …

Shrinking glaciers caused by First World threaten Third World

According to a group of Dutch researchers writing in the journal of Science, 60 million people living near and around the Himalayan mountains will suffer a shortage of food in the coming decades. The shrinking glaciers will cause water shortages. Crops will dry up. By 2050, Indus, Ganges and Brahamaputra basins in South Asia could see their water supplies decline by as much as 19.6 percent. In addition, climate change could devastate river basins in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan and China.

On the Communist Party of India (Maoist)’s 10th Anniversary Report

On the Communist Party of India (Maoist)’s 10th Anniversary Report September 2014 LLCO.org The Communist Party of India (Maoist) has released a 96-page document commemorating its 10th anniversary earlier in September, 2014. The document entitled “A decade of struggle and sacrifice” offers an assessment of the current state of the Maoist war in India. The document reports that the Maoists have …

Jackal bites jackal

Jackal bites jackal 29 October 2014 LLCO.org Recently, the leader of Bangladesh’s largest Islamist party, Jamaat-e-Islami, Motiur Rahman Nizami was sentenced to hang by the neck until death. He was sentenced by a special tribunal that hears unresolved cases connected to the war of liberation that technically ended on December 3, 1971. This has caused much controversy. Many have feared …