Two Roads Defeated in the Cultural Revolution Part 1: Young Generals and Mass Movements

Two Roads Defeated in the Cultural Revolution Part 1: Young Generals and Mass Movements Prairie Fire18 August Part 2: 3: “Is, however, such a ‘terrible accomplishment’ not the elementary gesture of every true revolutionary? Why revolution at all, if we do not think that ‘the customary order of things should never be restored?’ What Mao does is …

MIM: Review of the “Black Book of Communism”

MIM: Review of the “Black Book of Communism” MC5 February 2000 [Before MIM’s crackpot degeneration and despite their errors, MIM made some outstanding contributions to the proletarian struggle. The Black Book of Communism (Harvard University Press) is the bible of the anti-communist movement. The book is often cited as an academic work proving the barbarism of communism. Its figures …

A Storm is Coming (Video)

A Storm is Coming The Leading Light Communist movement is the revolutionary movement of our age. Hundreds of years of revolutionary experience have led us to this point, to this moment. There have been two great waves of revolution. The first great wave: the Bolsheviks. The second great wave: the Chinese and other social revolutions that followed WWII as …

Review of: Mao Declassified (2006)

Review of: Mao Declassified (2006) This is a trashy, sensationalist documentary from the History Channel. The documentary does not even attempt to understand its subject. Instead, it relies on the orientalist and bourgeois prejudices of its audience to fill in the blanks. The film portrays Mao as a power-mad Asian despot, blindly worshiped by mindless hordes. Rather than a …

What is revisionism?

What is revisionism? Some people falsely think that revisionism is to deviate from an orthodoxy, to “revise” a tradition. This is an incorrect view of what revisionism is in a Marxist context. We should not treat Marxist writers the same way that Medieval Church scholars treated Aristotle. Mao was right when he said we must oppose book worship. We …

Review of Some of Us, Part 3

Review of Some of Us: Chinese Women Growing Up in the Mao Era (edited by Zueping Zhong, Wang Zheng, and Bai Di) 15 June 2008 Overall, the autobiographical writings in Some of Us are reactionary. Most of the perspectives in Some of Us are those of elite Chinese women, many of whom pursued academic careers in the West. Even …

A quick look at some of Mao’s errors

A quick look at some of Mao’s errors Mao Zedong was the greatest revolutionary of the last century. Mao led a quarter of the world in throwing off the chains of imperialism, feudalism and capitalism. “China has stood up,” he announced from the steps of Tiananmen. A quarter of the world’s population threw in their lot with Mao’s revolution …

Review of Some of Us, Part 1

Review of Some of Us: Chinese Women Growing Up in the Mao Era (edited by Zueping Zhong, Wang Zheng, and Bai Di) 14 February 2008 “[At the fifty-first annual meeting of the Association for Asian Studies in 1999 panel discussion ‘Memory and the Cultural Revolution,’ during] the question-and-answer period, someone stated that she had a different kind of memory …