The Paradox of ‘Anti-War’ Capitalism: Peace Movements, Disarmament, and the War in Ukraine

The Paradox of ‘Anti-War’ Capitalism: Peace Movements, Disarmament, and the War in Ukraine Janelle Velina23 May Throughout the duration of the Russia-Ukraine War, the poverty of real Marxist analysis is very apparent in some very confused sections of the left[1] (as well as those who are purportedly left, but are clearly aligned with right-wing forces) who have committed themselves …

Afghanistan, the Forgotten Proxy War

Featured image: Brzezinski visits Osama bin Laden and other Mujahideen fighters during training. Afghanistan, the Forgotten Proxy War Janelle Velina30 March When it comes to war-torn Afghanistan and the role played by the United States and its NATO allies, what comes first to mind for most is the ‘War on Terror’ campaign launched in 2001 by George W. Bush …

Celebrating the 100 Year Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution

Celebrating the Hundred Year Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution Medved Pobedy 7 November 2017 All Power to the Soviets! – V. Lenin The 7th of November 2017 marks the one hundred year anniversary of the 1917 socialist revolution in Russia, often referred to as the “October Revolution” because it took place on the 25th of October on …