Two Roads Defeated in the Cultural Revolution Part 1: Young Generals and Mass Movements

Two Roads Defeated in the Cultural Revolution Part 1: Young Generals and Mass Movements Prairie Fire18 August Part 2: 3: “Is, however, such a ‘terrible accomplishment’ not the elementary gesture of every true revolutionary? Why revolution at all, if we do not think that ‘the customary order of things should never be restored?’ What Mao does is …

Conspiracy Theory by Intelligent Design

The popular idea that there is one over-arching plot to explains how society moves, the disasters that befall society, the rise and fall of regimes, etc. is inaccurate and counter-productive. Many conspiracy theories parallel the Christian outlook of so-called “intelligent design.” Christians often will see the patterns in nature, then they conclude that such a natural order must be the work of a creator.

Old Tools, New Tools

Old Tools, New Tools Rizal Roja Humans are fundamentally a tool-using species. The development of rudimentary tools by our ancestors played a tremendous role in our collective evolution as humanity. The creation of crude tools and the creation of fire played a tremendous role in placing humans in a powerful role in the ecosystem and laid the foundations for …

Gramsci’s “Jacobin Prince” and Leading Light Communism

Gramsci’s “Jacobin Prince” and Leading Light Communism Jacob Brown Part 2/2 of a series on Leading Light Communism and the Writings of Antonio Gramsci Read part 1 here: In Greek Mythology, there is a story about how humanity received fire. The Titan Prometheus stole fire from the gods to give it to humans. Prometheus went the home of …

Leading Light Communism and the Writings of Antonio Gramsci (Part 1/2)

Leading Light Communism and the Writings of Antonio Gramsci Jacob Brown Part 1/2: Cultural Hegemony Read part 2 here: A key component of the power of the bourgeoisie is through the use of what Italian communist Antonio Gramsci called “cultural hegemony”. The global bourgeoisie of today, the Bourgeois “First” World, not only rules society through the brute force …

Trotskyist “Permanent Revolution” is Counter-revolution

Trotskyism has outlasted most other revisionist lines of that period, going on 80 years since Leon Trotsky’s demise. The reasons for Trotskyism’s persistence has very little to do with the successes of Trotskyist practice. Trotskyism’s persistence today has more to do with Trotsky’s excellent rhetorical skills in his speeches and writings, alongside a heavy dose of fawning by the agents of the imperialist bourgeoisie. The different and often conflicting lines expressed by Trotsky are the basis for the dozens of splinter sects calling themselves “Trotskyist” today. We are not going to get distracted by Trotsky’s many wavering and conflicting positions, and focus only what political line is revealed by actual historical Trotskyist practice.

Jose Maria Sison loves America

Jose Maria Sison loves America Note: This article is directed against some of José María Sison’s ideas that we have identified as revisionist. It is not meant to discredit the Communist Party of the Philippines as a whole and the people’s war it is waging. The LLCO stands in solidarity with all progressive anti-imperialist struggles. In a recent statement …

Gandhi, Non-Violence and the Liberation of the Proletariat from Imperialism

To many Indians, the most significant aspect of Gandhi’s life is that he successfully mobilized millions of people for the de jure overthrow of British rule. For Westerners influenced by the saintly reputation created for Gandhi by ruling class propaganda, Gandhi represents a citizen of a colony who led his people to freedom without the bloodshed usually associated with national liberation struggles. Gandhi’s example is routinely used to condemn armed national liberation struggles around the world, with the mistaken assumption that it is always possible to expel foreign occupiers by non-violent means. As such, Gandhiism is the favourite philosophy of conservative opponents of actual national liberation struggles and those who support the status quo of violent imperialist domination of the Third World.

A Qualitatively Higher Level: The Leading Light Communist Organization, Unique Among the Crowd

A Qualitatively Higher Level: The Leading Light Communist Organization, Unique Among the Crowd Comrade Patrick February 2017 Leading Light Communism is a great wave arising to save humanity. It is a wave that brings a new Earth in which there is no discrimination between people. It is at once the great revolutionary wave, and also the very science of …

On the Occupy movements

On the Occupy movements Recently, protests have broken out in many parts of the United States. The biggest of these is the Occupy Wall Street protest. These protests have been getting media attention recently. There is much hype right now claiming that these events are the beginning of an American revolution. It is important to understand the nature of …