Yoda’s Lessons

Yoda’s Lessons LLCO.org In the Star Wars movies, the force is a bunch of hocus pocus combined with cheesy mysticism. However, in that fictional world, it was the force that gave the jedi his power. Revolutionary science is a real life version of the force for those seeking to destroy imperialism and fight for total liberation. In The Empire Strikes …

A Storm is Coming (Video)

A Storm is Coming LLCO.org The Leading Light Communist movement is the revolutionary movement of our age. Hundreds of years of revolutionary experience have led us to this point, to this moment. There have been two great waves of revolution. The first great wave: the Bolsheviks. The second great wave: the Chinese and other social revolutions that followed WWII as …

Soviet Women, Traditionalism, Revisionism

Soviet Women, Traditionalism, Revisionism 28 July 2014 LLCO.org These comments are a reaction to Gail Warshofsky Lapidus’ “Women in Soviet Society: Equality, Development, and Social Change.” Much of Lapidus’ essay covers the same ground as these other works: Wendy Goldman’s Women at the Gates, Sheila Fritzpatrick’s Everyday Stalinism, and Hiroaki Kuromiya’s Stalin’s Industrial Revolution. What is refreshing about these authors, …

Israel’s pink imperialism

Israel’s pink imperialism LLCO.org In a recent letter, Israel’s Interior Minister Gideon Sa’ar instructed the Population and Immigration Authority and the Jewish Agency to grant citizenship to the spouse of any Jew, regardless of the sexual orientation of the couple. “I do not see a distinction between Jews in heterosexual marriage and those who wed in same-sex marriages abroad in …

Smashing idols

Smashing idols LLCO.org The Old Testament states: “You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the LORD your God, am a …

Most Americans support torture

Most Americans support torture LLCO.org In the United States, the Senate Intelligence Committee has released a scathing report on the Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) use of torture. The 500 page report is a summary of a larger, still-classified 6,000 page study on the CIA’s interrogation methods and treatment of prisoners accused of terrorism. The use of black-site prisons has long …