Leading Light Communism is a Hydrogen Bomb
The World is on fire. Poverty. Violence. Death. Cruelty. Brutality. The Third World is turned into a graveyard so that the First World can live in comfort. We say no more. There is a way out. We are the Leading Lights that will guide humanity out of the darkness. Marxism was the first stage of revolutionary science. Marxism-Leninism was the second. Marxism-Leninism-Maoism was the third. Leading Light Communism is the fourth and highest stage of revolutionary science. Only science can truly unite the world. Ideology is a weapon. The poor fight back however they can. They use whatever weapon they have. Some ideologies are spoons. Some are knives. Some are guns. Lin Biao called Mao’s theories a “spiritual atom bomb.” The new breakthrough of Leading Light Communism is the hydrogen bomb of ideologies. The imperialists spend billions of dollars recruiting the best and the brightest to perfect the science of human oppression. This is what the CIA does. Leading Light Communism is the way that we fight back. Leading Light Communist Organization (LLCO) is our answer. LLCO is the vanguard of the exploited and oppressed. The Leading Lights have developed the most advanced science of liberation. And they are arming the oppressed with this weapon. Mao said line is decisive. Armed with Leading Light Communism, the masses will turn the world upside down. We will make history. A better world is possible. We have the theory, the plan, the organization, the leadership. The shining path to communism is a long one. Let’s walk together. Let’s save the world. Let’s make history, together.
Basic Points
1. Our goal is communism. Communism is the end of all oppression. We fight for a radically egalitarian
social order. Total liberation!
2. The principal contradiction is between exploiter and exploited countries. Breaking the chains of imperialism is the first step to breaking all chains. To this end, we uphold the glorious strategy of Lin Biao’s Long Live the Victory of People’s War! The global countryside will encircle the global cities. The proletariat in the Third World and its allies will encircle and defeat their enemies in the First World. We will destroy the First World way of living.
3. We understand that the proletariat and its allies are principally concentrated in the Third World. The First World is populated by parasite classes that benefit by exploiting and oppressing the Third World. The parasite classes of the First World are enemies of the world’s peoples. The First World “working class” is an enemy of the world’s peoples. It is not a proletariat. It should be regarded as part of the imperialist bourgeoisie, or imperialist pettybourgeoisie, or imperialist labor aristocracy.
4. We uphold the history of socialist construction. We uphold the Soviet Union through the early or mid-1950s and China through the early or mid-1970s as imperfect examples of socialism. Capitalism was restored by a new bourgeoisie that arose within the Communist Party and state itself.
5. We uphold continuous revolution under the New Power of the Proletariat. We uphold the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution as the furthest advance toward communism in human history.
6. We uphold the broad united front against imperialism. We support all of those who are exploited or oppressed and point their spears at the First World.
7. Taken together, this means we uphold the fourth and highest stage of revolutionary science, Leading Light Communism. We will follow the Leading Light of Communism! We will live and die for Leading Light Communism! LLCO is the vanguard!