Africa in Crisis

Africa in Crisis: Hundreds of Millions Lack Access to Water, Suffer from “Sick Water,” and Food Shortages 22 March 2010 Africa, especially West and Central Africa, is in crisis. According to a recent UNICEF report, more than 155 million, roughly 40 percent of the population in West and Central Africa, lack access to potable water. This region of Africa …

Reparations demanded for eco-destruction of Africa

Reparations demanded for eco-destruction of Africa 11 October 2009 At a forum in Burkina Faso’s capitol Ouagadougou, African Union officials have demanded billions of dollars in compensation from the countries of the First World. The AU officials demand reparations for the damage done to their continent by climate change, pollution, and ecological disasters caused by the First World. Earlier, …

Real versus Fake Marxism on Socialist Distribution

Real versus Fake Marxism on Socialist Distribution Prairie Fire5 August A global, socialist distribution of the world’s wealth implies a distribution that approaches egalitarianism or a distribution where the only inequalities that exist are ones that benefit the proletariat and most oppressed segments of the global population. These distribution principles, taken together, can be described as roughly, reasonably egalitarian …

The Average Joe American

“The average Joe” has a special place in the American consciousness. A popular literary character, the “working class hero” appears in film, TV, and on stage. He is valorized by politicians. And, for the First Worldist revisionists, he is the key to the future, to communism. Such is the myth of the “average Joe,” but what is the reality?

Prachanda’s Gamble

Since Lenin, one mark that distinguished communists from revisionists is their respective orientations toward bourgeois democracy. Lenin understood that in capturing bourgeois power, one is captured by the bourgeoisie. That a revolutionary organization that abandons the construction of its own, new power in order to gain hegemony within bourgeois political structures ends up captured, transformed by those very structures it sought to capture. Revolutionary organizations do not capture bourgeois state power. Rather, bourgeois power captures and transforms revolutionary organizations. Once again, Lenin’s lessons have been demonstrated in Nepal.

Global Inequality Versus Socialist Equality

An approach to economics centered on equality as a regulative idea is in no way contrary to approaches that center around the mechanics of exploitation. It is not necessarily contrary to the labor theory of value or the theories of unequal exchange. Putting equality at the forefront also does not commit us to the kind of ultra-egalitarianism that Mao Zedong famously criticized. Obviously, there are certain cases where some inequalities are necessary and, even, desirable. It does demand that we act to greatly reducing the gaps between wealthy and poor populations, especially the gaps between the First and Third World. Equality demands the global social product to be distributed evenly amongst the world’s population as best as possible.

Imperialism kills and keeps on killing in Vietnam, Iraq etc.

According to a recent, 2009 study by the Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation and Vietnam’s Ministry of Defense, land mines and unexploded ordnance dot the landscape of Vietnam even though the war ended nearly 35 years ago. More than one third of the land in six central Vietnamese provinces continues to be a serious hazard. According to Vietnam’s Ministry of Defense, 6.6 million hectares (6.3 million acres) are still contaminated.

More revisionism in Nepal: Juche endorsed as a “road to socialism”

It is hard to keep track of all the revisionism in Nepal. The so-called Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Centre) is fertile grounds for just about every kind of revisionism known: First Worldism, Kautskyism, Liu Shaoqi-Dengism, Trotskyism and so on. However, recently, they’ve outdone themselves. In a recent article in The Red Star, “Communist” Party member, Krishna Bahadur Mahara, appointed as Minister of Information and Communication in the cabinet headed by Prachanda, praised Juche as “leading to socialism.” Also, “Kim Ill Sung has developed the Juchhe ideology as a unique contribution to the international communist movement.” Such a claim is a blatant rejection of Maoism as revolutionary science. Prachanda rejected revolutionary science a long time ago. More recently, the leadership in Nepal has moved to drop even their nominal Maoism. That a high level cadre in Prachanda’s cabinet would endorse Juche as a road to socialism is not surprising considering the rampant revisionism in their party.